Fink & Fuchs wishes you a merry christmas!
A year that will certainly not go down as one of the best in human history will soon be coming to an end. Considering the global challenges, it is particularly important in these times to recognize successes and milestones – both professionally and privately. We hope you can look back on some highlights accordingly. Because as you know, there is no alternative to optimism.
In the spirit of “Thinking ahead at Christmas”, we at Fink & Fuchs are staying true to our tradition of accompanying our annual Christmas greetings with a twinkle in the eye as we look at communication and technology trends. In 2023, this part will be taken over by our colleague Mrs. Claus. A little spoiler: Among other things, it’s about AI and the metaverse.
Click on this link to go directly to the Fink & Fuchs Christmas quest: https://finkfuchs.de/christmas2023
Thank you for your cooperation. We wish you and your family a peaceful and relaxing holiday season and all the best for a successful 2024.
Your team from Fink & Fuchs